Just-In-Time Access For Any Cloud

Request and approve access without leaving Slack. Revoke every permission that isn't needed. Tick down to zero standing privileges (ZSP).

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Security doesn't have to make things harder

Manual processes for granting access sap productivity. Yet, too much standing access puts the entire business at risk. Frictionless just-in-time access boosts productivity and reduces risk.

Discover cloud identity risks

Quickly find orphaned user accounts, service account misuse, and standing privileges across multiple cloud platforms

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Revoke unused privileges

Review the usage of read, write, and admin permissions -- revoke all but what is needed for each account

Adopt just-in-time access

Reach Zero Standing Privileges (ZSP) -- your teams self-provision access from Slack or Microsoft Teams and lose access soon after  

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Reduce identity risk over time

Track misconfigured accounts, over-privileged users, and unrotated keys over time. Take action to reduce your attack surface.

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Take the guesswork out of access management

Understand all of your privilege sprawl across cloud infrastructure and SaaS applications. Pinpoint the biggest concerns and revoke what isn't needed.

Review over privileged users

Fine-grained access control

Control all access from a single place

Provision new users and de-provision departing users across all of your environments and applications in moments.

All your Place

Discover powerful features designed to simplify access management, track progress, and make your life a breeze.

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Don't fall behind the curve

Discover powerful features designed to simplify access management, track progress, and achieve frictionless JIT.

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